Nearly Everything

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"Nearly Everything" is the short form of various songs which Brainiac sings to express happiness upon learning something new.

Example 0:

The full phrase typically translates something like:

I Know Nearly Everything Now -- !

Example 1:

Also common:

I Know Nearly Everything Now -- !

One More World to Go -- !

Example 2:

This is bad news, you don't want to receive this message:

110010101011010001011011101010000101100010110110001101101010101011010001011011101010000101100101001101010101000010110101 -- !

After uploading a planet, Brainiac's initial exultation usually gives way to sinking depression, followed by drifting through deep space for several millenia, trying to figure out why the pain never really goes away.

Brainiac invariably concludes, sooner or later, that the planets themselves must be faulty in some way.

It's very sad when planets are faulty. always cries for the faulty planets. Always. (See log files.)

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